Refine Naturals™

Every supplement company has hundreds of different options when sourcing any ingredient. We at Refine Naturals™ source all our ingredients directly to ensure strictest quality control at the origin. Following are some of the aspects we keep an eye on:

  • Which active ingredients do we want to extract and in what % concentration?
  • Which part of the plant are we going to use?
  • Does this work better in a full spectrum form?
  • Which strain of the plant is best?
  • What scientific studies are backing our specific ingredient?
  • Do we need to combine it with anything else to enhance absorption?
  • Which form has the least heavy metals or other impurities?

Click the corresponding links to view the certificate of analysis (CofA) of each ingredient. 

We also get our finished products tested for potency, heavy metals and pathogens. Below are Certificates of Analysis for our products, provided by a 3rd party company.

All Refine Naturals products are manufactured, packaged and labelled at GMP complaint facilities that are certified by Health Canada. Below is the link to the site license for our products' manufacturing facility.